Learn How To Communicate Between Parents And Children

This topic is very simple, however the most of parents can not control the emotion and temper or not pay attention when talk with the kids then as often the communication becomes blame or accusation to the kids. So how to communicate between parents and children is not only simple, but it is also important. Remember good communicated tricks will help your kids grow well. Let us have a look according to some key content when we talk with the children.


In the face of children crying and angry, we have to learn to say emotions, which is difficult for many parents to do that, basically we blurt out is “do not cry, it is okay.” which directly conveying to the children is the feelings not to be accepted.


For example:

“We can not throw jigsaw puzzle. We should love toys.” – not accepted

“You want to put the jigsaw in, but you did not succeed. You’re depressed. I know It is really hard.” – accepted emotions

“But toys can not be thrown away, you can ask your parents for help.” – restriction of bad behaviour.


“You can not beat people. Why are you so bad?” – not accepted

“Your toys are taken away by your old sister. You are very angry. This is your favorite toy and you are still playing.” – accepted emotions

“But we can not hit people. If you are too angry, you can go to your parents arms with a hug. When you calm down, we may go and talk to your old sister and get the toys back.” – restriction of bad behaviour.



Many parents who have studied positive discipline always have a question, they always ask “Will I use empathy to help naming their children’s emotions be too indulgent?” In fact, the key to “emotion” is to fully accept emotion, but it is necessary to strictly restrict bad behavior. Distinguishing between “emotions” and “behavior” is something that every parent needs to practice, and this is based on the first principle of “telling the truth”.



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